Saturday, June 12, 2010

Michelle Obama's Speech to GW Grads

I had to repost this after seeing it on the Oprah website.

"You guys can't be stopped. You don't know the meaning of the word 'can't.' And every time someone's tried to say to tell you that, you've replied, 'Oh, yes we can.' In fact, you remind me of something President Wilson once said. He said: 'Sometimes people call me an idealist. Well, that's the way I know I'm an American.'

"Even so, you've probably also run up against people who love your idealism but warn you to lower your sights, to scale back your ambitions a bit, to settle for something less. And you know their hearts may be in the right place. They may be worried that you're in for a letdown once you realize that it can take years and even decades for your best efforts to bear fruit. See, we live in a culture, after all, that tells us that our lives should be easy, that we can have everything we want without a whole lot of effort. But the truth is, and you know this, creating anything meaningful takes time."

— First lady Michelle Obama, who promised to speak at George Washington if they performed 100,000 hours of community service

Now there's some inspirational words.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New website is up

This is for the Naval ship, USS Detroit AOE-4.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's the year 2000... and 10!

So Fraser and I were talking last night, as we tend to do, and decided this year, we're going to invent something.

Now, I am not making any promises/resolutions about this... but I might start using this blob to its full potential as an invention spot. That way, next time we invent something, it will be fully documented and if it gets stolen, we have proof we thought of it first.

Of course this could backfire and someone could simply claim they never saw this blog (highly likely). So probably this is a bad idea... but let it be known, we're thinking.

UPDATE: It is now the year 2011, and we have yet to invent anything. GAH!!! Need to get on this!!